Monday, February 8, 2010

Three Little Scribblings in my Notebook

Idiot Rich Kids

Please drive to school in your Beemer’s,
won’t you please?
so the rest of your pupils may admire thee
Ignore the stop signs
on Claremont
three idiot friends
with you on board
And should I be surprised
(with your arrogant rush)
when you crash into
a city bus?

But in that bus
there sat a man
a snow white beard
upon a charcoal tan,
a native from his sunny land
a carved, wooden staff held in his hands
He sat so solemn
multi-coloured dream-coat he wore,
despite the frozen rain
which torrentially poured
Among him
(wondering how this man did not freeze)
the youth, ipod-deaf, stare
dressed obviously in Canadian geese

And yes, he sat,
amidst the clash
the car rammed into
his lower back
and rather than yell,
barrel of a gun,
he simply thought
the colours of the sun.


Tis' hard to stay awake
in a flamboyant clambake
resto of lost calls
like a million little ivory dolls

Nigs, figs, drigs and higs
man cannot believe these silly things
Greenland white and Iceland green
buttons pushing at the seams

The Death of the Author

Title track rolling,
typists lacking style,
though integrity misgiven
through a series of masturbatory virtues.
Lack of proper judgement,
you cannot tell me
that I am dead.
For death of the author
brings forth death of the context
the literature
the angst,
and emotion
The story
the spirit
I am not a warrior
I am not a mouse
I am not a metaphor,
for they have all run out.
My neck aches,
my arms ache,
my back aches,
aches from the arches of brows
and intentional content
a parody
for my so-called lack of formalism.
Fuck you formalism
for you are the death of us all.
For once you rob us of our affection,
there is nothing left but instructions.
Good mourning oh mourning
and evening and night
I bid adieu
to someone as ignorant and as fascist as you,
who tells me that I have died and how,
when I know you are really for the mal.


Mike Carrozza said...

The first one: Did you get a write like Francis thing this week? Really good. It was critical, but captured an innocence that I loved.

second one: did not get it. sorry.

third one: I don't want to seem conceited, but I felt a bit of me in this one. No surprise I love it :P

Marta said...

OMG IT'S TRUE IT'S SO FRANCIS I don't know how I didn't notice that before! But yeah, no I love the first stanza especially! It's wonderful :)

As for the second one, I can't say I understood it on a literal level either but if it was supposed to be somewhat nonsensical (I want to say whimsical but that's not the right way to describe Jordano writing :P), then it pulled it off really well. Sort of Alice in Wonderland acid trip wearing off where you're still caught in the bizarrity and you're trying to make sense of it all but it's just slipping beyond your understanding.

I saw the third one as very you actually, I'm not sure about the Mikeness. Though Mike knows his writing better than anyone so who am I to argue :P Love the line "I am not a metaphor", especially since it's preceded by "I am not a warrior / I am not a mouse". I thought that whole part was really strong. I could also really hear you reading it out loud from that point on until the end. It was great and made me realize how much I miss our actual physical CWC meetings. We should do that again soon.