Sunday, February 27, 2011

A Quote

{Not many people (including myself) have been commenting recently so I decided to post something short and to the point and rather self-explanatory. It's a quote by David Foster Wallace, whose birthday it would've been last week, if he hadn't hanged himself in 2008, aged 46. Wallace was a phenomenal writer and a fiercely intelligent thinker — I find his suicide sad and troubling beyond words.}

"There's something magical for me about literature and fiction. I think it can do many things that not only pop culture can't do, but that are urgent. One is that by creating a character in a piece of fiction you allow the reader to leap over the wall of self and to imagine himself being not just somewhere else, but someone else, in a way that no other form can do. Because people, I think, are essentially lonely, and alone, and frightened of being alone."

And that, my friends, is a form of heart rape we all have to deal with...


Andrea said...


Thanks for the quote, Charles. It's really true and I'm feeling it a lot lately, actually...I've been trying to write a story for my creative writing class, but it's been impossible to get into the characters!

Marta said...

This is really beautiful, I'm glad you posted it. I completely agree in every way. Writing is magical and transcendental.

Marta said...

And it does more than any other art form because, without the help of anything but it's medium, it creates entire worlds in the most tangible way possible - which is more than film or theater or even visual arts and music can do on their own.

Which is probably why writers are usually so reclusive and fucked up - if they make their worlds real enough they have to channel every emotion contained within said world.