Tuesday, May 11, 2010


"Soup" is a word
inappropriate, vulgar, unfit
to be fettered, say the chains
I hold up to the
gods of unexemplary poetries
before I set about
carving arguments into mountainsides
with lazers and buzzsaws.

So when I find it
compressed between metaphors
like an unlikely diamond
I toss it aside
like I did my father's axe
when I began.

Vaguely irreverent. Sorry I couldn't come up with anything else; training to be a guide is tough work.

1 comment:

Mike Carrozza said...

I did not understand this.

Things I enjoyed:
"before I set about/ carving arguments into mountainsides/ with lazers and buzzsaws." great line, great imagery. Made me think about lumberjacks, which is later solidified in my next favorite line:
"I toss it aside/ like I did my father's axe/ when I began."

Bernie, my boy, I'm not sure what you're saying with this piece, but it sounds good :P