Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Not a post , just an Idea!

Hey everybody in heart rape!,
I was thinking about a new idea for a creative challenge on the blog. We would write a four part (or any even number) story from the point of view of a man and a woman. All of the guys on the blog would write from the guys' point of view and all the gals would write from the gal's point of view.
I still have no idea what the story could be about. Also we could try writing from our own gender's point of view and then have to switch point of view for the second part. The genders would have to meet in person to write this though so there might be logistical problems, anyway, let me know what you think. I think it would be fun!


Andrea said...

Expanding on my idea eh? lol This is good though, it's flexible. Maybe we should make it....EPISTOLARY?!

Or it can be about an item (a book?) passed from character to character, Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants style!

lol ok, enough lame suggestions from me.

How about there's some kind of "incident." It's never directly explained, but all the characters witnessed it and talk about it in their own words, how they feel about the other characters, etc., and we have to try to make it cohesive. Each person provides a clue and we shape the incident as we go along...sound fun?

Emlyn said...

I like these ideas, group writing points of views letters etc. sounds fun!

Mike Carrozza said...

I'm not sure if I get the prompt, but I like the fact that we have prompt weeks.