Sunday, December 13, 2009


- No, no. The question is... Hey, let's ask this guy. Hey! You! What's your name again?
I walk into the dorm to find the young British guy lying on the bed, waving his naked, brown arms emphatically. He is talking to the sweet Australian girl, with whom he seems to have some kind of connection. They often move away from their group to talk in serious, understood whispers. I will learn later that she is hopelessly in love with his best friend, currently backpacking in Norway.
- Charles.
- Okay, Charles. If you have sex with someone somewhere, what nationality is that sex? I mean, is it from the place you had sex in or is it the same as the person you slept with?
- That's not clear at all, is it? The Australian girl laughs. She's wearing a flowery dress, letting her legs dangle from the top bunk. She wears her dark hair cropped short. She's very pretty.
- No, I'm not quite sure I get it.
- Mark here had sex with a Dan-
- Swedish.
- ...with a Swedish girl in Spain. Was it Swedish or Spanish sex?
- Or ass, or fuck, or whatever you want to call it?
They look at me both with intent, wondering which side I'll pick. I chose the option that seems the most logical, but I add more certainty than I actually have.
- Well, if you have sex in Spain with a Swedish girl, it's Swedish sex, because you don't really know how they have sex in Spain, but you have a good chance of knowing how they do it in Sweden.
I've picked sides without knowing it. Mark smiles and laughs and waves his arms some more, the girl brings her legs back up and tuck them underneath her.
- No, no! It doesn't work like that. How can you have Swedish sex if you've never been to Sweden.
- But I have been to Sweden, answers Mark.
- Yes, but the time you had sex with a Swedish girl was in Spain, which means it was Spanish sex.
Their eyes are locked, they are smiling. I join in the debate.
- It's like food. If you have Italian food in the US, it's still Italian food.
- Well, it's Italian-American food, technically.
- If it's French food cooked by a French chef outside of France, it's still French food.
- Food has nothing to do with sex, though!
- It's Swedish sex.
- But you're not in Sweden!
- Well, you're not entirely in Sweden, but part of you is, right?
They both laugh. The girl nods, although her eyes still tell me she's not entirely convinced.
- It must be a male thing.


Mike Carrozza said...

This is why I love you.
*Crazy long bear hug*
*Rapes heart repeatedly*

Bernard said...

I liked it, but the ending was kind of disappointing to me.
