Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas time is here!

I am surrounded by a mountain of wrapping paper.
I here dad's Mercedes rev as he leaves the driveway.
And mom, wine glass in hand, comes over to kiss me on my forehead but I pull back when I smell her breath.
"Why did daddy leave mommy?"
"He's going to see his whore..."
I start to cry. I don't like this Christmas. I look down at my bratz doll and start to pet her hair.
"I don't care anymore, your bastard of a father can go and sleep with the nanny for all I care. And he was surprised I knew!!! The whole fucking town knew! Let me give you some advice Alice, don't marry the richest guy in town, let some other stupid bitch do that. You can sleep with the bastard and have more money. You won't even have to get knocked up!"
She tries to grab my arm, but I shrug her away
"I.. hic... Love you Alice"
I hate her droopy eyes when she is like this, her makeup makes her look scary.
"Mommy your hurting..."
"Shut up you little cunt" she hissed.
I can't stop crying and mommy is squeezing me really hard. Her big boobies are so hard. Last year, mommy went to the hospital and stayed in her room for a week after. When she came out of her room she went back to the doctor. She told me she wasn't happy with what she had.
Her boobis were sooo big after. I thought she looked so pretty.
Mommy is crying on me now.
"Let's pray Alice, that daddy gets in a car accident."
I can barely breath. My Bratz doll is on the floor behind mommy she can't breath either, she's lying face down on the ground. I hope mommy lets go soon.


Mike Carrozza said...

Only complaint is there are plenty of typos.

Max said...

ha sorry, I don't usually edit. :(

Max said...

I tried my best to make this as dark as possible, and the writing style changes half way through. hmm I just thought that I should write something Christmas themed.

tabs said...

I don't even know.
Just wow.
Thanks, Max.
On Christmas :P

Marta said...

I love that it's so dark! I much prefer the darker second half :P It's really fucked up. I especially like the last few lines, about the bratz doll not being able to breathe either and lying face down on the ground. It was really good. YAY FOR CHRISTMAS SPIRIT! :D

Francis said...

MSMC: The Bratz doll really makes this good.

Max said...

Thanks, What does MSMC mean?

Chasch said...

Mike stole my comment.

Mike Carrozza said...

Marta, in this case actually :P

Andrea said...

The bratz doll definitely made this piece. I like the hurried/unedited feel. lmao and the title is's perfect lol.