Thursday, November 18, 2010


The streets are cold and empty,

as I pass by a horde

of shuffling people

who mumble grievances

A couple, speaks to each other

without hearing the other

The air is crisp

My hands, cold

find refuge in pockets full of lint

and a forgotten candy

escaped from it’s wrapper

A homeless man shivers

while the rich ignore

He, underfed

caresses his dogs

who fed not an hour ago

I give him change,

nothing substantial

He might buy food

or drink it away,

at least he’ll be warm,

if only for a minute.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

"My hands, cold
find refuge in pockets full of lint
and a forgotten candy
escaped from it’s wrapper"

Haha love this part! I think you did a good job capturing these images of frostiness, both the people and the setting. My only complaint is that the grammar in the line "A couple, speaks to each other without hearing the other" sounds a bit awkward. But other than that, I quite liked it, especially how even the speaker is frosty herself, despite the charity: she donates "nothing substantial."