Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I wanted to apologize
for your return that day,
from linens white and patient spite
and disinfectant spray;

Your melodies were muffled
By the din of all my thoughts;
So I could only yell and rage
Until the movement stopped.

I got the hesitation
But I didn't get the choice
When you were asked which one to trash--
And finally picked your voice

But now I'm old and songs are only
Measures to slow time--
Or else to pull me back like I'm
some catfish on a line;

And having heard so many tunes
From the many and the few
I know it's when you never spoke
That you managed to stay true.

1 comment:

Emlyn said...

I love this Bernard, and sometimes I don't like rythming poetry, but this I do.Good job with the rythmes. Do you sing this also, or is it a poem entitled song...if you sing it I'd like to listen.