Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Forgive me

Perhaps not up to my standards.

sometimes i believe them

and then we truly are a dying race
we cease being starlight
we crawl back to the sludge
and i watch
and prepare to leave

i take a handful of earth
and a handful of sea
thrust them into my overcoat
pay my bills
shut the water
cast prayer beads to the fire
leave offerings of honey
at the altars of the flies
and walk

they won't hear me knock,
so I pull mud from dripping pockets
to smear over the thresholds
of starlit houses
and warn them
of the imminent
(but ever sentimental)

until their children watch at windows
and they close the blinds.


Chasch said...

The language was beautiful, but I'm ashamed to say I didn't understand any of it. Something to do with God, anyway.

Bernard said...

I think it's about environmentalists again. Or anti-environmentalists. Or the feeling that you get when you realize that dissent is the only option you're receiving and that means you simply have to leave.

Hell if I know.

Mike Carrozza said...


Honestly, I have no idea what you're saying but the words rolled right off my tongue and soothed my ears
Magnificent sound. I'll read it until I get it :p

Emlyn said...

I can appreciate that this is beautiful and poetic,
despite the fact
that I can't really understand
I'm glad I'm not the only one.

Andrea said...

I love the stanza starting with "i take a handful of earth," the idea of taking the earth and the sea and putting it in your pocket. It's just beautiful. I love all the images and it's sounded to smooth and nice like everybody said. To me, it seemed kind of like you were saying we're all returning to the earth, to the clay we were made of.

Chasch said...

Rereading the poem and everyone's comments, I think maybe it's a good thing that at first no one (even Bernard) really knows what this poem about. It is ambiguous enough to have individual meanings, and yet so sublime that we can all perceive its beauty, the fact that it is saying something.

Mike Carrozza said...

I need you close to me
Very soon.

Francis said...

Quite dark if the mark of mud is the from the 7 plagues of Egypt. Sadly hopeful. I like it a lot.

Jessica said...

This is absolutely, magically beautiful.
Not up to your standards.
Everyone stole things that I was going to say, and I can't find a favourite line because I like them all, and I can't think of anything I would change, so this is a kindof pointless comment.