Monday, October 26, 2009

The Whale


So this week my "post" is something I can't really post here, for two reasons: 1, it's 2486 words long. 2, it's for the CBC Radio contest and one of the regulations is that it can't have been published ANYWHERE, not even if it's an "unofficial" publish. So I didn't want to take my chances and cut my own rope (is that even a metaphor?) before I even send it in.

So why am I posting this information here, you may ask? And why don't I just post something else, something shorter, something that doesn't require so much effort? Well, truth is I haven't written anything of worth this week because I've been busy editing this story. And editing is the right word because I wrote it a while ago and just edited the fuck out of it. In all truth, I'm almost positive it's not what they're looking for, but I'd rather submit something and say "I've tried" than not do anything at all. And hey, for a shot at $4000 or $6000 I'd do anything.

Anyway so I need your help: if you can spare the time to read a 5-and-a-bit-page-long short story, and give me hardcore feedback by the latest Thursday morning/afternoon (I want to send it out Thursday night), I would love you forever! (Not that I wouldn't anyway, but it sounds more dramatic like this). So leave comments saying whether or not you have the time, with your emails if I don't have them? And you know, even if you don't have the time now, I'd still appreciate feedback at some point, since it IS something I've spent time writing, so feel free to say you can't read it now but will later and I'll send it so you can read at your leisure.

Anwyay this is much more of a rant than I thought it would be. Sorry. But thanks in advance to anyone who is able to help me out <3


Jessica said...

I'm still writing my CBC Radio piece - you are so proactive.
I'm definitely down for hardcore feedback-giving: just send it off, and I shall put on my English Teacher hat. :] <3

Chasch said...

Send it: I'll be happy to offer as much feedback as I can.

You ARE proactive. I'm still trying to figure out what to send. Like last year, I have no ideas for something new and everything I've already written isn't the right length. So now I'm stuck, either I try to add on to a shorter piece or cut down a longer one, or I don't send anything at all, saving myself the hassle, 20$, but also the aforementioned chance to win...

Emlyn said...

hey I don't know how useful my feedback will be, or if i will have time, but if you send it to me i will try,