Saturday, September 19, 2009

You're Strange Enough to Give Me a Headache

(this is a new song)

I've been watching the clock more, because I want to hold onto time.
State of perpetual motion: people (are) constantly change(changing) their minds
Dealing with the confusion, I can't understand their thoughts (at all)
Laying down in the sunlight, "Winter, bury me: I'm home" "Winter, bury me: I'm home"

I've always hated knowing that I can be so cold.
I never meant to be, I hope you forgive me.
I just prefer understanding things
I need goodbyes. I need goodbyes. I need goodbyes.

I've been watching for the signs more, Because I like being prepared
If I could tell you what I think I'd ramble on for days and days and days (and days)
Staring blankly, I can't sleep. You've taken time away from me.
Laying down in the sunlight, "Winter, bury me: I'm home" "Winter, bury me: I'm home"

I've always hated knowing that I can be so cold.
I never meant to be, I hope you forgive me.
I just prefer understanding things
I need goodbyes. I need goodbyes. I need goodbyes.

Take me home
Take me home
Take me home
Take me home

I've always hated knowing that I can be so cold.
I never meant to be, I hope you forgive me.
I just prefer understanding things
I need goodbyes. I need goodbyes. I need goodbyes.

"Winter, bury me: I'm home"
"Winter, bury me: I'm home"
"Winter, bury me: I'm home"
"Winter, bury me: I'm home"

"Winter, bury me: I'm home"


Jessica said...

"I've always hated knowing that I can be so cold." I think my favorite thing about the way you write is how simply you phrase the deepest, darkest things. It's all so matter-of-fact, this piece, and yet, at the same time, it has the abstracted feel, that you're only hinting at things you seem to be airing out entirely.
I love it.

tabs said...

My favourite line is the most disturbing one of course: Winter, bury me, I'm home.
I'm exited to hear this!

Emlyn said...

my favorite line is
You've taken time away from me.
I really like that, & the idea that it conveys...

Marta said...

Love the opening line and the words in parentheses - especially on the line about change because it just makes it seem that much more inconsistant and altering.

And I love the line "I need goodbyes." repeated three times. Kind of like attempts to convince yourself and also to prolong the goodbye and make it last longer so that while it IS a goodbye, it's still a moment longer of being with someone.

I can't wait to hear it as a song :) I really like this.