Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Content Warning

UPDATE; We're fine :)

Ahoy Hearties,

I've privatized this blog for the moment because I just received a warning email from blogger saying that they are going to delete all blogs that contain 'adult content'. I am currently in talks with them about what counts as 'adult', seeing as we do not showcase any pornographic or violent for the sake of violence material. To be blunt, though, it's seeming like they're going to delete any and all blogs with any sort of 'adult' content, including swearing. I've privatized this blog so only we can read it at the moment, and removed the adult content warning. Hopefully they'll get back to me and we can open it back up again. But this is just to say: Please save any and all important writings that you have on here in case we do indeed get deleted.

<3 tabia="">


Mike Carrozza said...

I don't understand what the deal is with blogspot right now. I may just move to wordpress.

Chasch said...

Thanks for taking care of this Tabia!

Andrea said...

Thanks Tabia! And WTF blogger, what is this the Gestapo, gonna make me wear chopsticks or something, printing your crazy illuminati signs in our blog skin CSS?? YOU DON'T OWN US BLOGGER!