Wednesday, November 7, 2012


He stood quite awed. Her beauty mesmerized
His eyes; They looked up down, down up and mid.
Such beauty nature could not have devised.
His larger growing love could not be hid.

He blushed upon receiving such attention.
Was complemented on his sultry fashion.
Deciding to impose a clear intention.
He took and kissed his hand with fervent passion.

Surprised he jumped back and gazed long and hard.
Then softly noticed something of a bulge.
He had been dealt an undesired card
And yelped at what his queen did then divulge.

The game of lust can bring a nasty shock,
Make sure the hen you seek is not a cock.


Andrea said...

LOL omg...Francis, is this the sonnet you've been telling me about that you were working on?? Bahahahahahaha! I burst out laughing at "His larger growing love could not be hid"
And the meter is really smooth and rhythmic, well done! The only suggestions I can make is to remove the word "would" in the fourth the last line, and to maybe rearrange the final line for smoothness. "Make sure your hen is not in truth a cock" maybe?

Marta said...

Love this sonnet. Everything about it. It feels like something Pope could have written XD