Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Spring we are grateful

for this
   the shattering of the cloud and
   the continued warmth of the sun
   who has found his incandescence
   in the winter's compact fluoresence
for this your
   first flowers and the first
   open hearts in joy
   and the beholding of brightness
   more red than red
   of the premature rose
for this the
   eyes of my countrymen
   and of my friends
   who see you and are so
   glad of sight that their
   throat cannot sing their joy

o thank you spring
a million years you've come but
thank you every time

1 comment:

Marta said...

I like that this sounded so much like an invocation, like a ritual song for spring's arrival each year that would be sung by pagans as they dance around in a flower-woven circle. So I think you got that down great. The last three lines were my favourite - maybe because they ring so true, and you can really feel that gratitude for spring. Spring never gets old.

The one thing that bothers me is "more red than red / of the premature rose". I feel like you could have said that more eloquently, whereas this feels like an image that's been used before, and too often.

Otherwise whooo spring! I'm in the midst of autumn but I can still feel the sigh of relief from this poem!