Saturday, July 3, 2010

Abortion or Late Abortion or Delayed Abortion

I've given this
a lot of thought
and I think
you should.

Keep the baby...

(I've been reading up on serial killers and one of the most interesting ones in my opinion is Marybeth Tinning. She is being studied as the most extreme case of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy ever. The first time I read over the case records and the information I could find, this is immediately what came to mind. Read it from different perspectives and if you know of the stories of the doctors and child service workers, then read from theirs as well.)


Andrea said...

Hmm. I haven't heard of Marybeth Tinning before, and that being said, I'm finding this piece really very brief and vague. I don't see the connection to serial killers at all. But I will definitely read up on everything so I can give a more informed critique. This piece is missing something vital if the reader doesn't know what it's about.

Marta said...

I would have to agree with Andrea. The explanation below was far more interesting than the piece itself because it had so much more depth, whereas how you portrayed the poem in and of itself seemed shallow, vague and flat. I wasn't sure as to the line breaks and punctuation, how it was supposed to be read. Although I could tell that you wanted to go for ominous, I wasn't quite feeling it.

It would be cool if you could write a kind of historical poem - a long one, maybe a prose poem - explaining Marybeth and your take on it and really beefing it up and twisting it to your interpretation. Let the readers understand what you find so fascinating in the case by writing it that way. It'll be tough but worth it! Also could be a nice exercise for you to try writing a longer piece? :)