Monday, January 18, 2010

Nihilistic Gimmicking

[So I'm uploading a video with this (which is actually just a sound file of me reading) because this is one of those rare pieces that I think hearing it read out loud will be an all-around benefit, better than simply reading the words themselves. I guess it's kind of a sound poem in that respect. But actually this was inspired by Christian Bök's Eunoia in which he uses only one vowel in his pieces (so whatever consonant he wants, but only using words with A or E or I or O or U). Obviously in my poem I chose to work with I. It's incredibly difficult, but really fun and I think you should all try it at one point! (Next CWC prompt?! :O) Anyway, you should all check out Eunoia and Christian Bök in general because he's an amazing writer and he does a lot of awesome stuff with words. So go!! ....but read and listen to my poem first ;)]

Nihilistic Gimmicking

This chill, inky night spills in;
silly silk-skin Kim sips sin
whilst wishing in implicit pins,
sticking limbs with illicit grins –
disciplining with witty wins
till his spinning mind gives in.
Killing simply with blind slits,
right in rigid ribs it fits,
it sits, is indistinctly driving splits
with skill; it instills its blitz
within Sin’s spitting spritz,
dismissing this in which Kim sits.
Kim sits still – wishing Sin its shrill,
windmill thrills, winding windy ills,
bringing frigid filling in Sin’s skill –
singing whist! in timid tips in will
whilst his lips spill indicting trills,
his skin slicing till in Sin fills.


Chasch said...

Loves it! Very good work and indeed clearly inspired by Bok's. Eunoia is pretty mind-boggling indeed...

Bernard said...

I guess this is one of the instances where form dictates function, and it really shows in this poem. Which, to my mind, is both blessing and curse. The poem itself is very nice--I like the image working its way into my mind--but the form forces it to twist and bend in ways that kind of jar... but like you said, to be able to write such a thing is a feat in itself, and I truly congratulate you for it! And, as a total sum of this too-large comment, I enjoyed it very much. Bravo!