Thursday, November 12, 2009

Sonnet 2

I find myself unable to regret,
The vice manifested through my hands.
I find myself a pregnant silhouette;
A servant for my own farfetched demands.

A conscience conscious is sure to condemn.
A man condemned is sure to seek reform.
A weed may never be left as a stem.
To this alone I accept to conform.

It was through murder I relinquished grace.
His grace is not a grace I could have found.
My first crime was to my conscience erase.
To my sinister mind I am left bound.

My sinister mind does all ties reject.
To be its first kill I did not expect.


Marta said...

Read it again and I must say I like it even better! :D Everything I said in class today plus I really think the rhymes are quite strong. And I like the repetition. I forget the term for that. Uhm....anaphora! Yeah the repetition of the same words many times. And the end couplet is quite witty as a sum-up of it all! I approve and admire this because it's such a closed form. I can't do closed forms. Therefore I admire that you can. Well done!

Marta said...
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