Friday, August 30, 2013

A Terrible Poem

My rhyming skills are very bad,
Enough to make one very mad
If they hap' to be a poet
And cringe to hear the lack of flow it

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Mary's Birthday

Today at the park I saw an act of extreme cruelty (and I do not use these words lightly). A little girl was playing with her mother by the swings. This man in sports clothes walked by and just as he passed them he emptied his water bottle on the little girl's head.

The little girl was so surprised that she just stood there, absolutely still. The man had already run off at a good pace, as they do. The little girl only began to cry when her mother started to fuss and tried to take off her soaked dress.

I began to wonder: shouldn't the mother have shouted at the man, ran after him, punched him in the groin? I began the wonder: am I the type of mother who doesn't say anything when a stranger empties a bottle of water on her daughter, or am I the type of mother who runs after the man, shouts at him, punches him in the groin?

Do you know what I mean? It's an important question, when you think about it.

I walked back home and called Mary because it's her birthday. I forgot to tell her about what I'd seen in the park. So she had no idea I'd just witnessed an act of extreme cruelty.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Scraps from My Notebook

[I haven't written anything solid since graduating, but hell, I might as well post something. Here's some notebook rambling for your entertainment.]

Pot has trained in me dumb-struck awe. I've learned to hang my mouth open and forget that I'm even thinking - everything is pure sense, and every once in a while an inane thought stumbles across my mind like a lopsided butterfly clutching his leg, screaming, "OH GOD IT'S BLEEDING! WHO MAKES BEAR TRAPS THIS SMALL?"

Maybe I ought to narrate to myself more, talk out loud.

Here's a typical scene. A character looking in the mirror, splashing water on their face, wondering, "How did I get here? How did it end up like this?"

I wonder if characters blow their noses and check the contents after.

I bet everyone has different standards for appraising their boogers.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Kiss Me With Your Morbid Obesity

Mmm, sweet, soft flaps of flesh –
bunching and rolling down our sides with every shift,
soft and puckered as many lips.

[just felt like posting something...]